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Note: Author names with an underscore represents work carried out by an advised (or co-advised) student. 


Fiori, A., de Barros, F. P. J., & Bellin, A., (2025), An analytical framework for risk evaluation and design of infiltration basins for managed aquifer recharge, Water Resources Research.  Volume 61, Issue 1, e2024WR038516.


Jalalmanesh, S., Sahimi, M. & de Barros, F. P. J., (2024), Statistics of random walks in geologically relevant conductance fields, Physical Review E. 110 (5), 054207.

Marzadri, A., Ciriello, V. & de Barros, F. P. J., (2024), Hyporheic flows in stratified sediments: Implications on residence time distributions, Water Resources Research, 60(1).

Ling, B., Shan, R. & de Barros, F. P. J., (2024). Dispersion control in coupled channel-heterogeneous porous media systems, Physical Review Fluids, 9, 064502.

Bonazzi, A., Zeng, X., Ghanem, R., Jha, B. & de Barros, F. P. J., (2024). Probabilistic assessment of scalar transport under hydrodynamically unstable flows in heterogeneous porous media, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 188, 104706.


Bonazzi, A., Jha, B. & de Barros, F. P. J., (2023) Influence of initial plume shape on miscible porous media flows under density and viscosity contrasts, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 972.

Bonazzi, A., Dentz, M., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2023), Mixing in multidimensional porous media - A numerical study of the effects of source configuration and heterogeneity, Transport in Porous Media, 146(1-2), 369-393.

Im, J., de Barros, F. P. J., Masri, S., Sahimi, M., & Ziff, R. M. (2023). Data-driven discovery of the governing equations for transport in heterogeneous media by symbolic regression and stochastic optimization. Physical Review E, 107(1), L013301.

Im, J., de Barros, F. P. J., & Masri, S. F. (2023). Data-driven identification of partial differential equations for multi-physics systems using stochastic optimization. Nonlinear Dynamics, 111(3), 1987-2007.


Zhan, C., Dai, Z., Soltanian, M. R. & de Barros, F. P. J. (2022). Data‐Worth Analysis for Heterogeneous Subsurface Structure Identification With a Stochastic Deep Learning Framework. Water Resources Research, 58, e2022WR033241.

Ren, W., Ershadnia, R., Wallace, C. D., LaBolle, E. M., Dai, Z., de Barros, F. P. J., & Soltanian, M. R. (2022). Evaluating the effects of multiscale heterogeneous sediments on solute mixing and effective dispersion. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031886.

Liu, C. Yuan, S., Im, J., de Barros, F. P. J., Masri, S. F., Branicio, P. S, (2022) Mechanical properties, failure mechanisms, and scaling laws of bicontinuous nanoporous metallic glasses, Acta Materialia, Vol. 239, 118255.

Morvillo, M., Im, Barros, F. P. J., (2022) VisU-HydRA: A Computational Toolbox for Groundwater Contaminant Transport to Support Risk-Based Decision Making. Frontiers in Earth Science, Section Hydrosphere, Vol. 10, 10.3389/feart.2022.916198. 

de Barros, F. P. J., Guadagnini, A., & Riva, M. (2022). Features of transport in non-Gaussian random porous systems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 184, 122244.


Morvillo, M., Rizzo, C. B., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2021). A scalable parallel algorithm for reactive particle tracking. Journal of Computational Physics, 446, 110664.

Wallace, C. D., Tonina, D., McGarr, J. T., de Barros, F. P. J., & Soltanian, M. R. (2021). Spatiotemporal dynamics of nitrous oxide emission hotspots in heterogeneous riparian sediments. Water Resources Research, 57, e2021WR030496.

Bonazzi, A., Morvillo, M., Im, J., Jha, B., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2021). Relative impacts of permeability heterogeneity and viscosity contrast on solute mixing. Physical Review Fluids, 6(6), 064501.

Kamrava, S., Im, J., de Barros, F. P. J., & Sahimi, M. (2021). Estimating Dispersion Coefficient in Flow Through Heterogeneous Porous Media by a Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(18), e2021GL094443.

de Barros, F. P. J. & Fiori, A. (2021), On the maximum concentration of contaminants in real aquifers, Transport in Porous Media, 140, 273–290.
Im, J., Rizzo, C.B., de Barros, F. P. J. & Masri, S. (2021), Application of genetic programming for model-free identification of nonlinear multi-physics systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, 104(2), 1781-1800.

Ling, B., Rizzo, C.B., Battiato, I. & de Barros, F. P. J. (2021), Macroscale transport in channel-matrix systems via integral transforms, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 044501 (Editor's Suggestion).

Morvillo, M., Bonazzi, A., Rizzo, C.B. & de Barros, F. P. J. (2021), Improving the computational efficiency of first arrival time uncertainty estimation using a connectivity-based ranking Monte Carlo method, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 35(5), 1039-1049. 

Bonazzi, A., Jha, B. & de Barros, F. P. J. (2021). Transport analysis in deformable porous media through integral transforms, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 45, Issue 3.


Ciriello, V. & de Barros, F. P. J. (2020). Characterizing the influence of multiple uncertainties on predictions of contaminant discharge in groundwater within a Lagrangian stochastic formulation, Water Resources Research, Vol. 56, Issue 10.  

Rizzo, C. B., Song, X., de Barros, F. P. J. & Chen, X. (2020), Temporal flow variations interact with spatial physical heterogeneity to impact solute transport in managed river corridors, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, V. 235 . 

Soltanian, M. R., Behzadi, F. & de Barros, F. P. J. (2020). Dilution enhancement in hierarchical and multiscale heterogeneous sediments, Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 587..

Im, J.Rizzo, C. B., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2020). Resilience of groundwater systems in the presence of bisphenol A under uncertainty, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 727, 20, 138363.


Libera, Barros, F. P. J., Faybishenko, B., Eddy-Dilek, C., Denham, M., Lipnikov, K., Mourton, D., Marco, B. & Wainwright, H. (2019). Climate change impact on residual contaminants under sustainable remediation, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 226, 103518.

Rizzo, C. B., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2019). Minimum Hydraulic Resistance Uncertainty and the Development of a Connectivity‐Based Iterative Sampling Strategy. Water Resources Research. 55 (7), 5593-5611.

de Barros, F. P. J., Colbrook, M.J., & Fokas, A.S.  (2019). A Hybrid Analytical-Numerical Method for Solving Advection-Dispersion Problems on a Half-Line. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 139, 482-491.

Blöschl, G. et al. (2019). Twenty-three Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective. Hydrological Sciences Journal.  64 (10), 1141-1158.

Libera, A., Henri, C.V., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2019). Hydraulic conductivity and porosity heterogeneity controls on environmental performance metrics: Implications in probabilistic risk analysis. Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 127, p. 1-12.

Moslehi, M. & de Barros, F. P. J. (2019). Using Color Coherence Vectors to Evaluate the Performance of Hydrologic Data Assimilation. Water Resources Research, Vol. 55, Issue 2, p. 1717-1729.

Rizzo, C. B., Nakano, A., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2019). PAR2: Parallel Random Walk Particle Tracking Method for solute transport in porous media. Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 239, p. 265-271.


Lester, D. R., Dentz, M., Le Borgne, T., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2018). Fluid deformation in random steady three-dimensional flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 855, 770-803.

Dentz, M., de Barros, F. P. J., Le Borgne, T., & Lester, D. R. (2018). Evolution of solute blobs in heterogeneous porous media. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 853, 621-646.

de Barros, F. P. J., (2018). Evaluating the combined effects of source zone mass release rates and aquifer heterogeneity on solute discharge uncertainty, Advances in Water Resources, 117, p. 140-150. 

Di Dato, M.,  de Barros, F. P. J., Fiori, A., & Bellin, A., (2018). Improving the Efficiency of 3D Hydrogeological Mixers: Dilution Enhancement via Coupled Engineering-Induced Transient Flows and Spatial Heterogeneity, Water Resources Research, Vol. 54 (3). 

Rizzo, C. B., de Barros, F. P. J., Perotto, S., Oldani, L. & Guadagnini, A., (2018). Adaptive POD model reduction for solute transport in heterogeneous porous media, Computational Geosciences, 22 (1), p. 297-308. 


Rizzo, C. B., & de Barros, F. P. J., (2017). Minimum hydraulic resistance and least resistance path in heterogeneous porous media, Water Resources Research, Vol. 53 (10). 

Libera, A., de Barros, F. P. J., Riva, M. & Guadagnini, A. (2017). Solute concentration at a well in non-Gaussian aquifers under constant and time-varying pumping schedule. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 205, p. 37-46..

Di Dato, M., Fiori, A., de Barros, F. P. J., & Bellin, A., (2017). Radial solute transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers: Modeling and experimental comparison, Water Resources Research, Vol. 53 (7) p. 5725-5741. 

Libera, A., de Barros, F. P. J., & Guadagnini, A. (2017). Influence of pumping operational schedule on solute concentrations at a well in randomly heterogeneous aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 546, p. 490-502.

Moslehi, M., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2017). Uncertainty Quantification of Environmental Performance Metrics in Heterogeneous Aquifers with Long-Range Correlations. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 196, p.21-29.

Jabbari, N., Aminzadeh, F., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2017). Hydraulic fracturing and the environment: risk assessment for groundwater contamination from well casing failure. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,  Vol. 31, Issue 6, 1527-1542.

Dentz, M., Lester, D. R., Le Borgne, T., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2016). Coupled continuous-time random walks for fluid stretching in two-dimensional heterogeneous media. Physical Review E, 94, 061102(R).

Rubol, S., Battiato, I., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2016). Vertical dispersion in vegetated shear flows. Water Resources Research, 52(10), 8066-8080.
de Barros, F. P. J., Bellin, A., Cvetkovic, V., Dagan, G., & Fiori, A. (2016). Aquifer heterogeneity controls on adverse human health effects and the concept of the hazard attenuation factor. Water Resources Research, 52(8), 5911-5922.

Moslehi, M., de Barros, F. P. J., Ebrahimi, F., & Sahimi, M. (2016). Upscaling of solute transport in disordered porous media by wavelet transformations. Advances in Water Resources, 96, 180-189.

de Barros, F. P. J., & Dentz, M. (2016). Pictures of blockscale transport: Effective versus ensemble dispersion and its uncertainty. Advances in Water Resources, 91, 11-22. 

Henri, C. V., Fernàndez-Garcia, D., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2016). Assessing the joint impact of DNAPL source-zone behavior and degradation products on the probabilistic characterization of human health risk. Advances in Water Resources, 88, 124-138.

Di Dato, M., de Barros, F. P. J., Fiori, A., & Bellin, A. (2016). Effects of the hydraulic conductivity microstructure on macrodispersivity. Water Resources Research, 52(9), 6818-6832.

Tonina, D., de Barros, F. P. J., Marzadri, A., & Bellin, A. (2016). Does streambed heterogeneity matter for hyporheic residence time distribution in sand-bedded streams?. Advances in Water Resources, 96, 120-126.

Zarlenga, A., de Barros, F. P. J., & Fiori, A. (2016). Uncertainty quantification of adverse human health effects from continuously released contaminant sources in groundwater systems. Journal of Hydrology, 541, 850-861.

Di Dato, M., Fiori, A., Chiogna, G., de Barros, F. P. J., & Bellin, A. (2016). Impact of the spatial structure of the hydraulic conductivity field on vorticity in three-dimensional flows. In Proc. R. Soc. A (Vol. 472, No. 2187, p. 20150730). The Royal Society.


de Barros, F. P. J., Fiori, A., Boso, F., & Bellin, A. (2015). A theoretical framework for modeling dilution enhancement of non-reactive solutes in heterogeneous porous media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 175, 72-83.

Dentz, M., Le Borgne, T., Lester, D. R., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2015). Scaling forms of particle densities for Lévy walks and strong anomalous diffusion. Physical Review E, 92(3), 032128.

Fiori, A., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2015). Groundwater flow and transport in aquifers: Insights from modeling and characterization at the field scale. Journal of Hydrology, 531, 1-1.

Fiori, A., Bellin, A., Cvetkovic, V., de Barros, F. P. J., & Dagan, G. (2015). Stochastic modeling of solute transport in aquifers: From heterogeneity characterization to risk analysis. Water Resources Research, 51(8), 6622-6648.

Dentz, M., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2015). Mixing-scale dependent dispersion for transport in heterogeneous flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 777, 178-195 (Featured in the Issue's Cover).

Henri, C. V., Fernàndez‐Garcia, D., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2015). Probabilistic human health risk assessment of degradation‐related chemical mixtures in heterogeneous aquifers: Risk statistics, hot spots, and preferential channels. Water Resources Research, 51(6), 4086-4108.

Moslehi, M., Rajagopal, R., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2015). Optimal allocation of computational resources in hydrogeological models under uncertainty. Advances in Water Resources, 83, 299-309.

Jabbari, N., Aminzadeh, F., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2015). Assessing the Groundwater Contamination Potential from a Well in a Hydraulic Fracturing Operation. Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, 3(1), 66-79.


de Barros, F. P. J., & Fiori, A. (2014). First‐order based cumulative distribution function for solute concentration in heterogeneous aquifers: Theoretical analysis and implications for human health risk assessment. Water Resources Research, 50(5), 4018-4037.


de Barros, F. P. J., Fernàndez‐Garcia, D., Bolster, D., & Sanchez‐Vila, X. (2013). A risk‐based probabilistic framework to estimate the endpoint of remediation: Concentration rebound by rate‐limited mass transfer. Water Resources Research, 49(4), 1929-1942.

Boso, F., de Barros, F. P. J., Fiori, A., & Bellin, A. (2013). Performance analysis of statistical spatial measures for contaminant plume characterization toward risk‐based decision making. Water Resources Research, 49(6), 3119-3132.

Leube, P. C., de Barros, F. P. J., Nowak, W., & Rajagopal, R. (2013). Towards optimal allocation of computer resources: Trade-offs between uncertainty quantification, discretization and model reduction. Environmental Modelling & Software, 50, 97-107.

Dentz, M., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2013). Dispersion variance for transport in heterogeneous porous media. Water Resources Research, 49(6), 3443-3461.

Kumar, V., de Barros, F. P. J., Schuhmacher, M., Fernàndez-Garcia, D., & Sanchez-Vila, X. (2013). Dynamic interactions between hydrogeological and exposure parameters in daily dose prediction under uncertainty and temporal variability. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 263, 197-206.

de Barros, F. P. J., Guadagnini, A., Fernàndez-Garcia, D., Riva, M., & Sanchez-Vila, X. (2013). Controlling scaling metrics for improved characterization of well-head protection regions. Journal of Hydrology, 494, 107-115.


de Barros, F. P. J., Dentz, M., Koch, J., & Nowak, W. (2012). Flow topology and scadelar mixing in spatially heterogeneous flow fields. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(8).

de Barros, F. P. J., Ezzedine, S., & Rubin, Y. (2012). Impact of hydrogeological data on measures of uncertainty, site characterization and environmental performance metrics. Advances in Water Resources, 36, 51-63.

Oladyshkin, S., de Barros, F. P. J., & Nowak, W. (2012). Global sensitivity analysis: a flexible and efficient framework with an example from stochastic hydrogeology. Advances in Water Resources, 37, 10-22.

Nowak, W., Rubin, Y., & de Barros, F. P. J. (2012). A hypothesis‐driven approach to optimize field campaigns. Water Resources Research, 48(6).

Cirpka, O. A., Rolle, M., Chiogna, G., de Barros, F. P. J., & Nowak, W. (2012). Stochastic evaluation of mixing-controlled steady-state plume lengths in two-dimensional heterogeneous domains. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 138, 22-39.


Cirpka, O. A., de Barros, F. P. J., Chiogna, G., & Nowak, W. (2011). Probability density function of steady state concentration in two‐dimensional heterogeneous porous media. Water Resources Research, 47(11).

Cirpka, O. A., de Barros, F. P. J., Chiogna, G., Rolle, M., & Nowak, W. (2011). Stochastic flux‐related analysis of transverse mixing in two‐dimensional heterogeneous porous media. Water Resources Research, 47(6). (Featured Article)

de Barros, F. P. J., & Rubin, Y. (2011). Modelling of block-scale macrodispersion as a random function. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 676, 514-545.

de Barros, F. P. J., Bolster, D., Sanchez‐Vila, X., & Nowak, W. (2011). A divide and conquer approach to cope with uncertainty, human health risk, and decision making in contaminant hydrology. Water Resources Research, 47(5).

de Barros, F. P. J., Fiori, A., & Bellin, A. (2011). A simple closed‐form solution for assessing concentration uncertainty. Water Resources Research, 47(12).


de Barros, F. P. J., & Nowak, W. (2010). On the link between contaminant source release conditions and plume prediction uncertainty. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 116(1), 24-34.

Fiori, A., Boso, F., de Barros, F. P. J., De Bartolo, S., Frampton, A., Severino, G., Suweis, S. & Dagan, G. (2010). An indirect assessment on the impact of connectivity of conductivity classes upon longitudinal asymptotic macrodispersivity. Water Resources Research, 46(8).

Nowak, W., de Barros, F. P. J., & Rubin, Y. (2010). Bayesian geostatistical design: Task‐driven optimal site investigation when the geostatistical model is uncertain. Water Resources Research, 46(3).


de Barros, F. P. J., Rubin, Y., & Maxwell, R. M. (2009). The concept of comparative information yield curves and its application to risk‐based site characterization. Water Resources Research, 45(6).


de Barros, F. P. J., & Rubin, Y. (2008). A risk‐driven approach for subsurface site characterization. Water Resources Research, 44(1).


de Barros, F. P. J., & Cotta, R. M. (2007). Integral transforms for three-dimensional steady turbulent dispersion in rivers and channels. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31(12), 2719-2732.


de Barros, F. P. J., Mills, W. B., & Cotta, R. M. (2006). Integral transform solution of a two-dimensional model for contaminant dispersion in rivers and channels with spatially variable coefficients. Environmental Modelling & Software, 21(5), 699-709.


Dentz, M., Le Borgne, T., Lester, D. & de Barros F.P.J., (2016) Mixing in Groundwater,
In: The Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, Third Edition, CRC Taylor & Francis Group, (Editors: Cushman and Tartakovsky)
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